Tuscany sketchbook 2022

I am in Tuscany again for the august sketching. Tuscany sketchbook 2022 is a handmade album 3×3 cm with leather cover bought near here, in Vinci, last year. Now it came back to where it came from to collect the atmospheres of motherland of Leonardo da Vinci.

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Born to be sketchbook

They come from Vinci, like Leonardo. Three handmade mini sketchbooks 3×3 cm have been purchased in Leonardo’s native town in 2021. One of them became the sketchbook of Eurovision 2022 in Torino.

I have a plan

This year I would like to be more essential in my lines and spots. I exercised during The 100 day project and now its time to sketch the Tuscany atmospheres in extra small format.


Here they are, the memories of the summers spent in Tuscany from Lamporecchio to Vinci, Vinci, Larciano, Fucecchio and Florence. The most of these sketchbooks are in private collections now.

The new beggining

The new travel sketchbooks start from Tuscany. This year three new blank sketchbooks arrived from Leonardo da Vinci’s matherland. The same colours of the covers, the same shop and the same size 3×3 cm.

If you want to receive the original handmade art postcards from my tours just click here and be a part of the exclusive supporter’s club!

Follow the work in progress and real time news on my social accounts
FaceBook, Twitter , Instagram , Tumbler and Pinterest. Watch my videos and reels on Youtube and support my art on Patreon.

If you have questions, comments or ideas to share click here and write me. I will be happy to reply.

Tuscany sketchbook 2021

It’s not my first time in Tuscany (Italy), that is why I decided to dedicate Tuscany sketchbook 2021 to the places and atmospheres of this region seen and sketched from the different point of view.

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This summer we have chosen together the places to sketch…

Thanks to streaming we sketched toghether in real-time night and day …

We saw Florence, Piazza del Duomo and Ponte vecchio from the different point of view in the Cascine park near Arno river.

We also walked among the people of Florence visiting Cascina Market, on of the longest of the Europe.

They come from Vinci, like Leonardo. These mini handmade sketchbooks 3×3 cm purchased in Leonardo’s native town are waiting for the new trips to tell. Click here and suggest the destination!

Tuscany sketchbook 2021 is only piece only. Click here and write me to have it.

If you want to receive the original handmade art postcards from my tours just click here and be a part of the exclusive supporter’s club!

Follow the work in progress and real time news on my social accounts
FaceBook, Twitter , Instagram , Tumbler and Pinterest. Watch my videos and reels on Youtube and support my art on Patreon.

If you have questions, comments or thoughts to share click here and write me. I will be happy to reply.