Inktober 2023

Album Inktober rosso 2023

Album Inktober rosso 2023 comincia così: prendiamo lo sketchbook di inktober 2022, rovesciamolo e ricominciamo dalla copertina opposta. Una nuova lista, 31 giorni, 31 parole. E’ il mio sesto challenge. Viviamolo insieme!

In principio era la lista

Dal 2016 circa la lista ufficiale di Inktober viene pubblicata il 1 settembre di ogni anno. E’ composta da 31 parole ed è tradotta in diverse lingue. Qui le versioni della lista nelle lingue che parlo.

Cover experience

E’ vero che non bisogna giudicare il libro dalla copertina, ma questa facciata volava essere una dichiarazione degli intenti. L’illustrazione è stata eseguita con i mezzi che ho scelto quest’anno: le penne classiche con pennino in metallo e penne antiche a cartuccia con inchiostro nero, penna a sfera blu per disegno di base ed Uniposca ad acrilico bianco per le luci. In alcuni illustrazioni viene utilizzato inchiostro colorato per sottolineare dei dettagli.

Lavori in corso

Album Inktober rosso 2023. Lavoro ad una illustrazione dall’idea alla versione finale attraverso lo studio della composizione, disegno propedeutico con penna a sfera e riempimento con inchiostro.

Negli episodi precedenti…

Il nome nasce dalla crasi delle parole inglesi ink + October, e infatti si svolge a ottobre e consiste nel fare un disegno in inchiostro al giorno per un totale di 31 disegni. L’iniziativa è nata nel 2009 come sfida individuale dell’illustratore americano Jake Parker che voleva fare pratica con la tecnica dell’inchiostro e sviluppare l’abitudine di disegnare tutti i giorni. Inktober è diventato una challenge a livello mondiale con una crescente partecipazione anche in Italia. Dal 2016 circa viene pubblicata la lista ufficiale con 31 parole selezionate da Jake Parker.

Il mio primo Inktober risale al 2018. Ecco alcuni frammenti degli sketchbook realizzati nei 5 anni precedenti.

Vuoi saperne di più, hai delle domande, suggerimenti o vuoi condividere un idea? Clicca qui e scrivimi!

Per aggiornamenti in tempo reale seguimi sugli account social Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumbler e Pinterest e diventa il mio sostenitore su Patreon.

Inktober 2023

Red Inktober 2023 sketchbook

Take an Inktober 2022, turn to the back cover, reverse and start again! This is how Red Inktober 2023 sketchbook began.

31 days, 31 words. This is my 6th Inktober.

Inktober’s list

Inktober is a monthlong art challenge started by Jake Parker, one of the founders of SVSLearn. September 1st of each year Inktober prompts are posted. Artsts can also use their own lists.

Cover experience

Work in progress

Previously on Inktober…

In 2009, Jake Parker , American comics creator, concept artist, illustrator, and animator, started Inktober. The announcement was made on his blog. Parker originally started the challenge to motivate himself to improve his own inking skills. Since 2016, he posted a list of “prompts” for each day’s artwork. Artists are also known to plot out series of drawings on the same theme as part of the celebration. Participants have approached the challenge as an opportunity to practice and share their art, drawing in various art styles, and using a variety of media (the challenge originally was made only in fountain pen) . In October 2015, over 1 million Inktober drawings were posted on Instagram. I am in since 2018.

If you have questions, comments or ideas to share click here and write me. I will be happy to reply.

Follow the work in progress and real time news on my social accounts
FaceBook, Twitter , Instagram , Tumbler and Pinterest. Watch my videos and reels on Youtube and support my art on Patreon.

cesenatico italy sketchbook 2023 Yulia A. Korneva

Romagna in miniature

Quest’anno ho cambiato la destinazione. Vi racconto Romagna in miniature disegnate e dipinte in un album 3×5 cm, il mio formato preferito.
Русский English
Durante il mio soggiorno ho ritratto il centro storico di Ravenna, Cervia e Cesenatico, le saline, la gente del posto e certamente le spiagge ed il mare.

Comanda color

Di 3 colori disponibili (verde, arancione e grigio) abbiamo scelto arancione grazie ai vostri contributi sui miei canali social.

Cover experience

Ecco la copertina del nuovo sketchbook nato per ritrarre paesaggi e scene di vita di Cervia e Cesenatico. Come dalla tradizione aprirà la “sfilata” un autoritratto posto all’interno della copertina.

Altri tempi, stesso posto

Ho scoperto Cervia per caso l’anno scorso a luglio, ci sono tornata questa primavera ed ho deciso di tornarci a trascorrere le vacanze estive. Sfoglia qui alcune pagine degli sketchbook precedenti di Cervia e Cesenatico.

Una nave in una conchiglia

Le conchiglie dipinte a mano hanno completato i regali d’autore in edizione limitata per i collezionisti ed amici.

lavori in corso

In spiaggia, in città ed anche alla ballera il mio piccolo sketchbook era sempre con me per reccontarvi le atmosfere e colori della riviera romagnola d’estate.

Le pagine

Ecco alcune di oltre 60 pagine dell’album creato per raccontare Romagna in miniature.

Per aggiornamenti in tempo reale seguimi sugli account social Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumbler e Pinterest e diventa il mio sostenitore su Patreon.

Vuoi saperne di più, hai delle domande, suggerimenti o vuoi condividere un idea? Clicca qui e scrivimi!

Vuoi ricevere le cartoline dipinte a mano dei miei viaggi? Clicca qui e scopri come entrare nella cerchia esclusiva dei miei sostenitori!

cesenatico italy sketchbook 2023 Yulia A. Korneva

Seaside sketching 2023

In 2023 I changed the destination of summer plein-air trip. Seaside sketching 2023 took place in Cesenatico, Ravenna and Cervia in Italy.

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…and the winner is…

This year we have chosen together the colour of the summer sketchbook thank to your vates on my social accounts. Anche the winner is… ORANGE!

Cover experience

Here we go with thecover of the seaside sketchbook 3×5 cm. As usual a selfportrait opens the “parade” of landscapes and live scenes from Cesenatico and Cervia. For real time updates watch my facebook and Instagram stories.


Other years, other seasons, the same place. Watch here the pages from the previous sketchbooks of Cesenatico and Cervia (Italy)

Italiano Русский

Sketch in the shell

The shells with handmade seaskapes of Emilia Romagna (Italy) have been used for limited edition gfts for my friends and the most loyal collectors.

Work in progress

On the beach, in the city and at home, my mini sketchbook was with me everywhere. My cats also took parts in creative proccess.

Turn the page

Here we go with some of over 60 sketches made in August 2023.

Follow the work in progress and real time news on my social accounts
FaceBook, Twitter , Instagram , Tumbler and Pinterest. Watch my videos and reels on Youtube and support my art on Patreon.

If you have questions, comments or ideas to share click here and write me. I will be happy to reply.

If you want to receive the original handmade art postcards from my tours just click here and be a part of the exclusive supporter’s club!

New Watercolor Different artworks

New Watercolor Different artworks take part to the Art collective in Pianezza (Italy) from 14th March to 14th April 2023.

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As well as the show artworks are dedicated to the women who made a lot for the progress of science but rested unknown because of discrimination. The portraits are made with coffee, juice and chocolate used as watercolours.

Meet them all

If you have questions, comments or ideas to share click here and write me. I will be happy to reply.

If you want to receive the original handmade art postcards from my tours just click here and be a part of the exclusive supporter’s club!

Follow the work in progress and real time news on my social accounts
FaceBook, Twitter , Instagram , Tumbler and Pinterest. Watch my videos and reels on Youtube and support my art on Patreon.

inktober 2022

Sketchbook rosso Inktober 2022

Inktober è Il challenge creativo internazionale unisce gli illustratori da tutto il mondo. Tutto semplice: ottobre, 31 giorni, 31 parole, 31 illustrazioni. Piccolo Sketchbook rosso Inktober 2022 è nato da un album Fabriano in 100% carta riciclata.

English version Версия на русском языке

Ho scelto di accostare un solo colore al nero dell’inchiostro, il rosso. A causa di mancanza di tempo ogni illustrazione è dedicata a 2 o 3 parole della lista.

Dolcetto o scherzetto

Questa illustrazione in realtà non esiste. E’ un frutto dell’accostamento digitale di 2 illustrazioni. La parte dedicata al tema “uh-oh” fu la più sfidante di tutto il challenge. Trovare un soggetto è stato abbastanza difficile dal momento che si trattava di una canzone, ma anche di un verso spaventoso dei fantasmi.

Inktober e Co

Sfoglia tutte le illustrazioni di quest’anno tra quelle a tema principale alle illustrazioni bonus.

Per aggiornamenti in tempo reale seguimi sugli account social Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumbler e Pinterest e diventa il mio sostenitore su Patreon.

Vuoi saperne di più, hai delle domande, suggerimenti o vuoi condividere un idea? Clicca qui e scrivimi!

Vuoi ricevere le cartoline dipinte a mano dei miei viaggi? Clicca qui e scopri come entrare nella cerchia esclusiva dei miei sostenitori!

inktober 2022

Inktober 2022 red sketchbook

Inktober is the international art challenge that connects a lot of illustrators around the world. 31 days, 31 words, paper and ink. Inktober 2022 red sketchbook was born by the cut of the notebook in bigger size.

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Treat or trick by Inktober 2022 sketchbook

The illustration dedicated to Halloween is the result of digital college of 2 ink drawings. One of them, the “Uh-oh” illustration was the most difficult to find the subject to draw of all the challenge.

Inktober 2022 & Co

Scroll al the illustrations of Inktober sketchbook 2022. The topics and bonus illustrations.

If you have questions, comments or ideas to share click here and write me. I will be happy to reply.

Follow the work in progress and real time news on my social accounts
FaceBook, Twitter , Instagram , Tumbler and Pinterest. Watch my videos and reels on Youtube and support my art on Patreon.

If you want to receive the original handmade art postcards from my tours just click here and be a part of the exclusive supporter’s club!

Matite in viaggio 2022

La 12^ edizione di Matite in viaggio 2022 “Carnets Disegni Parole” come dalla tradizione viene ospitata nelle sale espositive al 3° piano del Centro Culturale Candiani di Mestre (piazzale Candiani 7, Venezia-Mestre).

English versionВерсия на русском языке

dal 20 ottobre al 6 novembre
orari mostra: giovedì e venerdì 16.00 – 20.00
sabato e domenica 10.00 – 13.00 e 16.00 – 20.00
Ingresso libero

Perché matite e perché in viaggio?

Il disegno è stato per secoli l’esclusivo mezzo di documentazione visiva della realtà e come tale divenne lo strumento attraverso il quale esploratori, viaggiatori, studiosi fermarono sulla carta visioni ed esperienze, con precisione quasi calligrafica o con impeto di visionarietà.
I viaggi nei secoli scorsi duravano mesi, anni, a volte una vita ed a volte costavano la vita stessa. Epiche avventure studiate, sognate e preparate a lungo da eruditi e avventurieri, da mercanti e missionari, da gente comune ed esploratori.

Il taccuino per gli schizzi e gli appunti grafici in taluni casi diveniva allora lo strumento stesso attraverso il quale interiorizzare e rielaborare l’esperienza, fissandone la memoria. Originalissimo modo di rappresentare il mondo, perché filtrato dagli occhi dell’autore, attraverso la propria cultura.

Si parte da qui

Le betulle mi accompagnano da sempre. Da quando mi ricordo loro ci sono sempre state. Sono tra gli alberi più diffusi delle pianure est europee e ne ho ritratte tantissime nel corso del viaggio al mio paese natale in autunno del 2021. Poi sono successe tante cose e tante ne devono ancora succedere… Credo fermamente di poterle rivedere presto.

Chi dorme non piglia pesci

La preparazione di una collettiva non è uno scherzo. Tra l’idea, selezione delle opere ed allestimento passano dei mesi. Una volta che ho ricevuto la lieta notizia che sono stata selezionata lo sketchbook andava preparato con i segnalibri per distinguere le opere da esporre, imballato ed infine spedito.

Vuoi saperne di più, hai delle domande, suggerimenti o vuoi condividere un idea? Clicca qui e scrivimi!

Vuoi ricevere le cartoline dipinte a mano dei miei viaggi? Clicca qui e scopri come entrare nella cerchia esclusiva dei miei sostenitori!

Per aggiornamenti in tempo reale seguimi sugli account social Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumbler e Pinterest e diventa il mio sostenitore su Patreon.

Matite in viaggio 2022 Venice

This year it’s 12th edition of Matite in viaggio 2022 Venice collective. As from tradition it is taking place at Candiani cultural centre.

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From 20th October to 6th November
21th October at 4 pm official opening ceremony.
Thursday and Friday 4 – 8 pm
Saturday and sunday 10 am – 1pm and 4 – 8 pm
Free entry

What is “Matite in viaggio”?

Matite in viaggio means “travelling pencils” in Italian. The cultural association “Matite in viaggio” aims to promote the culture of journey and the art of recording its experience, by drawings and words.

Article 3 of the Association statute says “Visiting countries and places, meeting people and communities, understanding ancient and contemporary civilizations are the conditions under which “travel sketchbooks” can express the will and dream to identify with the freedom and dignity of all men”.

The project

The sketchbook on show this year has been created in autumn of 2021 in Moscow region (Russia). It is dedicated to birches in autumn transparent and warmed by the last fall sun.

Birch is one of the most common trees in Europe and north America . You will find it everywhere from USA to Italy and from Ukraine to Russia and Japan.

Work in progress from landscape sketches to the preparation of the sketchbook for shipping to Venice.

The show

Pictures from opening ceremony and from exhibition rooms of Matite in viaggio 2022.

If you have questions, comments or ideas to share click here and write me. I will be happy to reply.

If you want to receive the original handmade art postcards from my tours just click here and be a part of the exclusive supporter’s club!

Follow the work in progress and real time news on my social accounts
FaceBook, Twitter , Instagram , Tumbler and Pinterest. Watch my videos and reels on Youtube and support my art on Patreon.

Art2wear Mix & Match collection

Let’s go to Torino (Italy). Here the days are still warm and the spirits are hight. It’s time for Art2Wear Mix & Match designer collection. Art2wear Mix & Match collection is made of colourful, vibrant and ironic styles also functional and basic for office, free time and party.

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Mix and match your favourite styles to create bold or bright comfy outfits. 

Making moments

Torino places

Dress in cotton white and blue printed fabric. On the background we can see Monte dei Cappuccini, letteraly “the Capuchins’ hill”. On the this hill overlooking the River Po in Torino (Italy) there is the Church of Santa Maria al Monte built for the Capuchin Order.

Blue denim jacket with macramè details on the pockets and the belt.

On the background you can see the “Valentino” castle and the park in Torino (Italy). The ancient castle was bought by Duke Emmanuel Philibert of Savoy. The name Valentino, first mentioned in 1275, seems to derive from a saint called Valentine whose relics were venerated in a church which stood nearby.

Cotton dark orange skirt with blouse. I have chosen for the background of this style the Mole Antonelliana [ˈmɔːle antonelˈljaːna] named after its architect, Alessandro Antonelli. A “mole” in Italian means a building of monumental proportions.
Originally conceived of as a synagogue, it has housed the National Museum of Cinema since 2000, and is believed to be the tallest museum in the world.

Torino tastes

Set in beige mixed linen and cotton printed fabric with “panna cotta” as a background. The Region of Piedmont includes panna cotta in its 2001 list of traditional food products of the region. One unverified story says that it was invented by a Hungarian woman in the Langhe in the early 1900s. An 1879 dictionary mentions a dish called latte inglese ‘English milk’, it could also come from the French recipe of fromage bavarois from Marie-Antoine Carême. Actually, this recipe that we can find in le pâtissier royal parisien is almost the same as the modern panna cotta.

Red waste t-shirt in cotton piquet with shell buttons.

For this style ha have chosen “giandujotto” as a background. The gianduiotto ( [dʒanduˈjɔtto]; Piedmontese: giandojòt [dʒaŋdʊˈjɔt]) is chocolate originally from Piedmont, they are shaped as ingots. It is a specialty of Turin (Italy), and takes its name from gianduja, the preparation of chocolate and hazelnut used for gianduiotti and other sweets (including Nutella and bicerin di Gianduiotto). This preparation itself is named after Gianduja, a mask in commedia dell’arte, a type of Italian theater, that represents the archetypal Piedmontese. Indeed, Gianduja’s hat inspired the shape of the gianduiotto.

Bi-colour skirt with tropical prints and white shirt. For this item I have chosen Bagna càuda. Bagna càuda [ˈbɑɲa ˈkɑʊ̯da] is a hot dish made from garlic and anchovies, originating in Piedmont, Italy, during the 16th century. The dish is served and consumed in a manner similar to fondue, sometimes as an appetizer, with raw or cooked vegetables typically used to dip into it. It is prepared using olive oil, chopped anchovies and garlic

Mid white cotton dress and light blue sponge jacket with pallette details. I have chosen “savoyardi” biscuits for the background. Savoiardi [savoˈjardi] are similar to Ladyfingers sponge fingers. They are shaped like a large finger. Ladyfingers originated in the late 15th century at the court of the Duchy of Savoy and were created to mark the occasion of a visit by the King of France. Later, they were given the name Savoiardi and recognized as an “official” court biscuit.

Torino dictionary

White mid cotton dress and orange bag in cotton sponge fabric with glitter decorations.

I have chosen the world “cerea” of piedmont language. “cerea” mens “see you”. This greeting used typically in Torino does not have similar in Italian language. The legend tells that a cadet of the king boasted to know Greek and greeted everyone with “chaire” (light/ joy in Greek). People wanted to please the king and started to repeat the greeting. With time “chaire” became “cerea”.

Blue denim shopper bag. For this model I have chosen the frase “merenda sinoira” from Piedmontese language.
Let’s start from the name, sinoira, which derives from “sina” that stands for dinner in Piedmontese dialect. It is a big snack, almost dinner. A tradition that recalls the peasant Piedmont of the mid-nineteenth century, days spent in the fields, rhythms of work marked by a few breaks: lunch, often consumed in the countryside, without returning home. And then, towards the end of the afternoon, the merenda sinoira. At the end of the 19th century even the bourgeois and noblemen offered the merenda sinoira, especially in summer, in their villas in the countryside.

Complete collection

To commission your favourite outfits click here and contact me or fill in the form below. Please remember to indicate the style code/s and your measurements: hight, chest, hips, waist and lenght of the item and the colour (if different from the colour on the picture)


Follow the work in progress and real time news on my social accounts
FaceBook, Twitter , Instagram , Tumbler and Pinterest. Watch my videos and reels on Youtube and support my art on Patreon.

If you have questions, comments or ideas to share click here and write me. I will be happy to reply.