Chistmas is coming very soon! You will find here art gift ideas, greetings and more.
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Christmas tree mood
And now start decorationg your chistmas tree with handmade decor. To get yours click here

Portrait Christmas
For your family, friends and pets the portrait is always a perfest gift. Choose the media and the size, send me a pic and I will do the rest.

Last minute gifts
Graphite or digital portrait, urban sketching experience or gift certificate are ready even in Christmas day. Choose an original gift idea even if you are shot of time.

Follow the work in progress and real time news on my social accounts
FaceBook, Twitter , Instagram , Tumbler and Pinterest. Watch my videos and reels on Youtube and support my art on Patreon.
If you have questions, comments or ideas to share click here and write me. I will be happy to reply.